never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
never a jw
Good one! -
More Silly Stuff from videos
by OnTheWayOut inthis is a facebook link and i just can't bring myself to dig into jw .
org and find it.there's no trick here, but i think you have to be logged in to see it.
if anyone could figure out how to repost this, that would be great.
never a jw
You have to love when people do their homework. This guy was ready to support his argument.
- At minute 2 he refers to Mat 24:34 where Jesus talks to his disciples. Therefore this generation refers to anointed
- Then "overlapping generations" is supported by the Watchtower April 15, 2010 "evidently..."
- Then in January 15, 2014 brother Splane gives a more precise explanation
- Then recently, in a video, brother Splane further expanded in the explanation introducing the linchpin: brother Franz.
Stephen Lett words apply here too, "there is more proof for the overlapping generations than there is for gravity, electricity and wind"
There you have it. Is there a better example of circular reasoning?
Kenneth Flodin: ‘This Generation Will ... Not Pass Away’ (Matt. 24:34)
by wifibandit in
never a jw
the chutzpah! -
I just found out that my youngest brother committed suicide
by SnakesInTheTower inmy middle brother called me a couple of hours ago.
our youngest brother, josh, who was 38, was found by his friends in his apartment.
he hung himself.
never a jw
Sorry for your loss. 38? I don't know myself how to process this type of things. -
Dating a Religious Person - Thoughts?
by Garrett inhello my dear friends :).
i am here once again because you guys are pretty much the most awesome peeps ever.. i have a new dilemma that i'd like your opinions on.
as most of you know, i'm an agnostic.
never a jw
Religious? It's ok, not overly or fanatically religious, just religious enough to keep debates within the realm of reason and avoiding hurting sensitive souls. -
Jehovah's Witnesses May Have Peaked in Membership at 8 Million (+/-)
by OnTheWayOut ini don't have all the details of their new "service year" numbers, but i have read enough on jwn to state my opinion pretty strongly.. memorial attendance for 2015 was down.while they kept saying they were going to build a bunch of new kingdom halls, and everybody is still in recovery from watchtower taking all the local money away, they say pretty much that there isn't enough money to build new kingdom halls.putting gb members on the videos at jw .
org has allowed people to really put a face and personality to these guys and remove the mystery of how they should be such deeply spiritual serious men.
instead they see silly thoughts about tight pants and, really everything that comes out of lett's mouth is delivered ultra-goofy, along with the money reports.. the gb lost credibility a little more with every new light that shone down, with the strangest one being "overlapping generation.
never a jw
The trend is clear in the U.S. Hispanic community. In the 90's, it was growing very fast. Today, stagnation. Young and newly married are not that excited about following in their parents footsteps. They just seem to pretend to take advantage of the social interaction. Also they are not interested in having children. They want to enjoy the world of Satan: money and every pleasure it brings, big and small. So no children, no baptisms, no zeal, means no growth and even contraction. The older generations are getting tired and the new ones never quite got the interest. The young Hispanic, especially those born and raised in the U.S. are quite similar in values to the young Americans. Immigration, legal or illegal has gone down in recent decades. The impetus of the 90's and even early millennium is wearing out rather fast. The future does not look good for the WT, even in that once reliable and loyal sector of the immigrant Hispanic. -
JW message becoming more and more relevant
by lsw1961 inmans requirements are limited which can be satisfied with a little and tension-free endeavor..
however man attempts not only to collect but also to grab and amass everything to the excess.
somehow he feels that he can be happy only when he has in abundance whereas others have nothingwhich seems to be the thread that runs throughout the history.
never a jw
JW message becoming more and more relevant
Only relevant to you and every adult who is willing to believe the Easter Bunny and Cinderella are real. And yes, you have plenty of company. So if by "relevant" you mean "popular"....maybe. Just a very weak "maybe"
JW's correlation to franchise business
by jeremiah18:5-10 ini operate a 31 restaurant franchise.
it is no small task.
the franchise is a well known american company and a rapidly growing one.
never a jw
I doubt very much we would have much of a disagreement over the application of the analogy and the subtle differences. My point is that the leadership of JW's at this point are not acting like a business in good times, trying to rake profits and coast along. I think they are acting like a business trying to survive in an environment that is increasingly hostile to fundamentalist religions.
If we continue the analogy, the JW's are slowly sliding into an ENRON type of situation. Can they pull out of that trend? I believe they can, but they will never, ever be the next Apple Inc, or Google or Facebook. In fact, I can only predict contraction from now on. How far before it stops? I don't know. It depends on how many adults out there are willing to believe that the Easter Bunny is real and that Elvis Priestly still alive. From my research in cults over the last three years, that type of people exist in much greater numbers that I ever imagined before.
Jehovah went from love to fear--when?
by gma-tired2 inwhen i was a child and teen jw in 50s and 60s jehovah was always referred to as our loving god now we are warned not to fall in the hands of a god to be feared.
when did jws change god from loving to a cruel god?
never a jw
I quit the Catholic religion as soon as I was a teenager precisely because there was an emphasis on the five mortal sins. I forgot most of them except for "not attending mass". Since I didn't like this God, I said to Him "screw you" and have never looked back since.
When the hell are religious leaders going to realize that they are losing the battle because their God does not fit our enlightened times.
The Thief of Always
by YinzerDad inprologue... .
a brief precursor about myself.
i've been lurking around for almost 2 years.
never a jw
You are young, smart, educated and free. Even without a strong passion for anything, you are way ahead of most. I have never been a JW, and yet I can identify with the "no fire in the belly" idea to some degree. I, however will share with you and this forum my ultimate goal in life, to die knowing that I contributed to make this world a better place for the next generations. I can't quite bring the passion out, but I do get a sense of satisfaction at the end every day knowing that I gave more than I took. I am 50 and in good health, but the old age, when the "give more than you take" reverses, is inexorably approaching. My immediate goal is to postpone that time for as long as I can. Life may be intrinsically meaningless, and that's the beauty of it, because you get to choose that meaning.